Leave of Absence Enrollment
Just because you are on a leave of absence during Open Enrollment, doesn’t mean you have to jump through hoops to enroll. We are providing you with the enrollment paperwork to update your benefits for the upcoming 2024 plan year. Not making any changes? No need to complete and return the paperwork, unless you plan to continue your enrollment in either the Flexible Spending Accounts or the Health Savings Account. These are annual enrollments and must be elected each year.
Are you covering a spouse on your medical plan? Remember you must complete and return the Spouse Medical Insurance Verification Form by November 30, 2023.
Adding a new dependent to your coverage? Make sure you supply the required dependent verification documentation and Attestation by November 30, 2023.
All forms, enrollment, Spouse Medical Insurance Verification Form, dependent verification documentation, and Attestation, need to be scanned and emailed to the HR Service Center at HRServiceCenter@wellspan.org, by the Nov. 30, 2023 deadline.